Example Usage for TMI

Table of contents

  1. Basic Example
  2. Extract the W tensor
  3. Outlier replacement and filtering
  4. constrained fitting
  5. SMI
  6. Docker example
  7. Singularity example

Basic Example

A basic call to tmi, performing single shell DTI estimation and multi-shell DKI estimation will look like:

tmi -DTI -DKI dwi.mif parameters

In this case tmi assumes that gradient information has been stored in the .mif header and this information will be used as inputs to fitting functions. All output parameter maps are saved as nifti files and stored in the directory parameters.

In general, we recommend running parameter estimation within a tissue mask, to decrease the likelihood of fit degeneracies and unnecessary memory overhead. A mask can be included in the tmi call using the -mask option.

tmi -DTI -DKI -mask /path/to/brain_mask.nii dwi.mif parameters

Extract the W tensor

tmi -DKI -WDKI dwi.mif parameters

In this case the W form of the kurtosis tensor is returned in addition to the K form. Differing sets of tensor parameters will be saved in the parameters directory with the suffixes *_dki.nii and *_wdki.nii.

Outlier replacement and filtering

This call to tmi will perform outlier replacement along with nonlocal means smoothing as a filtering step prior to fitting the kurtosis tensor.

tmi -DKI -akc_outliers -fit_smoothing 10 dwi.mif parameters

It is important to note that when performing outlier correction that constrained fitting is not used. Constrained fitting will bias the output parameters and potentially hide voxels that should be labelled as outliers.

constrained fitting

Constraints can be used to bound the kurtosis tensor estimation, an example of running a kurtosis fit with a positivity constraint on kurtosis looks like:

tmi -DKI -fit_constraints 0,1,0 dwi.mif parameters
  • The order of values input to the -fit_constraints option is: diffusion tensor > 0, kurtosis tensor > 10, and kurtosis tensor < 10.


Inputting data to SMI can be slightly more complex, particularly if the data comes from a multi echo-time or multi bshape acquisition. An example is shown here:


tmi \
-SMI \
-sigma /path/to/designer_processing/noisemap.nii \
-compartments EAS,IAS,FW \
-echo_time 92,92,92,62,78,130 \
-bshape 1,-0.5,0,1,-0.5,1 \
-mask /path/to/designer_processing/brain_mask.nii \
-scratch tmi_processing_variable_te_beta -nocleanup \
$dwi1,$dwi2,$dwi3,$dwi4,$dwi5,$dwi6 parameters

This command will run SMI on data with multiple echo times and multiple bshapes, it will include all cellular compartments and use the noisemap computed by a prior designer call.

If the input to SMI is purely LTE, the call to SMI can be simplified:

tmi \
-SMI \
-sigma /path/to/designer_processing/noisemap.nii \
-compartments EAS,IAS \
-mask /path/to/designer_processing/brain_mask.nii \
-scratch tmi_processing_lte -nocleanup \
dwi.mif parameters

Docker example

docker run -it will take you inside a container. You can add -v to attach your data to the container for processing. Use -v host_path:container_path to mount your folder (host_path) to a specified path inside the container (container_path).

The below example mounts the host_path (/path/to/folder/with/dataset) to the container_path (/data). The host_path contains the input series dwi.mif. The following is an example that calls tmi and will extract DKI maps with outlier correction and nonlocal means smoothing:

docker run -it -v /path/to/folder/with/dataset:/data \
nyudiffusionmri/designer2:<tag> tmi \
-DKI -akc_outliers -fit_smoothing 10 /data/dwi.mif /data/parameters

Singularity example

singularity run will run a Singularity container. --bind allows you to attach your data to the container for processing. Use --bind host_path:container_path to mount your folder (host_path) to a specified path inside the container (container_path).

The below example mounts the host_path (/path/to/folder/with/dataset) to the container_path (/mnt). The host_path contains the input series dwi.mif. The following is an example that calls tmi and will extract DKI maps with outlier correction and nonlocal means smoothing:

singularity run --bind /path/to/folder/with/dataset:/mnt \
designer2_<tag>.sif tmi \
-DKI -akc_outliers -fit_smoothing 10 /mnt/dwi.mif /mnt/parameters