Example Usage for Designer

Table of contents

  1. Basic Example
  2. Recommended: Denoising, RPG degibbsing, eddy current and motion correction (default DESIGNER pipeline)
  3. Denoising Magnitude and Phase data
  4. Processing data with variable echo time and b-shape
  5. Docker example
  6. Singularity example
  7. General recommended usage

Basic Example

A basic call to designer, applying MPPCA denoising to a single input series called dwi.nii might look like:

designer -denoise dwi.nii dwi_designer.nii

While this call does not require gradient information in order to run, some options such as -eddy do. Therefore we assume that there are gradient files called dwi.bvec and dwi.bval located in the same directory as dwi.nii.

Users may also include gradient directions into the header of the image file by converting to .mif format prior to running designer:

mrconvert -fslgrad dwi.bvec dwi.bval dwi.nii dwi.mif
designer -denoise dwi.mif dwi_designer.mif

Using .mif format is helpful overall as gradient information is automatically rotated along with image volumes during registration steps.

Given a partial Fourier (6/8) sampled magnitude dataset with two shells: dwi_b1000.nii and dwi_b2000.nii (along with accompanying .bvec and .bval files), acquired in the AP direction, along with a reverse phase encoding b=0 image called “rpe_b0.nii”, the call to designer to perform complete preprocessing would look like:

designer -denoise -shrinkage frob -adaptive_patch -rician \
-degibbs -pf 0.75 -pe_dir j- \
-eddy -rpe_pair rpe_b0.nii \
-normalize -mask \
-scratch designer_processing -nocleanup \
dwi_b1000.nii,dwi_b2000.nii dwi_designer.nii

Denoising Magnitude and Phase data

A more complex call to designer, applying MPPCA denoising on complex valued data (including phase images called phase.nii) with custom optional arguments to perform denoising using the jespersen PCA cutoff and singular value shrinkage looks like:

designer -denoise -shrinkage frob -algorithm jespersen -phase phase.nii dwi.nii dwi_designer.nii

Processing data with variable echo time and b-shape

A more complex call to designer is required to process data with variable echo time and b-shape. Given 6 input series with severe motion artifacts and with varying echo times and b-shapes, an example of such a call might look like:


designer \
-denoise -degibbs \
-pre_align -ants_motion_correction \
-eddy -rpe_pair rpe_b0.nii -rpe_te 62 -pe_dir AP \
-echo_time 92,92,92,62,78,130 \
-bshape 1,-0.5,0,1,-0.5,1 \
-eddy_groups 1,2,3,4,5,6 \
-normalize -mask \
-scratch designer_processing_variable_te_beta -nocleanup \
$dwi1,$dwi2,$dwi3,$dwi4,$dwi5,$dwi6 dwi_designer.mif

In this case, eddy is run 6 separate times, for each unique echo-time b-shape combination.

Docker example

docker run -it will take you inside a container. You can add -v to attach your data to the container for processing. Use -v host_path:container_path to mount your folder (host_path) to a specified path inside the container (container_path).

The below example mounts the host_path (/path/to/folder/with/dataset) to the container_path (/data). The host_path contains the input series dwi.nii with its bvec (dwi.bvec), bval (dwi.bvec), and json (dwi.json containing PF factor, PE dir, and TE) along with reverse phase-encoding b=0 image (rpe_b0.nii). The following is an example that calls designer and will process the data using the recommended designer pipeline:


docker run -it -v /path/to/folder/with/dataset:/data \
nyudiffusionmri/designer2:<tag> designer \
-denoise -shrinkage frob -adaptive_patch -rician \
-degibbs \
-eddy -rpe_pair $pa \
-normalize -mask \
-scratch /data/processing -nocleanup \
$dwi $dwi_out

Singularity example

singularity run will run a Singularity container. --bind allows you to attach your data to the container for processing. Use --bind host_path:container_path to mount your folder (host_path) to a specified path inside the container (container_path).

The below example mounts the host_path (/path/to/folder/with/dataset) to the container_path (/mnt). The host_path contains the input series dwi.nii with its bvec (dwi.bvec), bval (dwi.bvec), and json (dwi.json containing PF factor, PE dir, and TE) along with reverse phase-encoding b=0 image (rpe_b0.nii). The following is an example that calls designer and will process the data using the recommended designer pipeline:


singularity run --bind /path/to/folder/with/dataset:/mnt \
designer2_<tag>.sif designer \
-denoise -shrinkage frob -adaptive_patch -rician \
-degibbs \
-eddy -rpe_pair $pa \
-normalize -mask \
-scratch /mnt/processing -nocleanup \
$dwi $dwi_out

If you’re running this on a machine that uses GPU and CUDA, you can include -nv to use eddy_cuda. The following is an example that will use eddy_cuda when running on a GPU node on a HPC server:

module load singularity/3.9.8
module load cuda/11.8


singularity run --nv --bind /path/to/folder/with/dataset:/mnt \
designer2_<tag>.sif designer \
-denoise -shrinkage frob -adaptive_patch -rician \
-degibbs \
-eddy -rpe_pair $pa \
-normalize -mask \
-scratch /mnt/processing -nocleanup \
$dwi $dwi_out

This is compatible with CUDA versions 9.1 to 11.8. Other versions have not been tested.

In general, we recommend running designer using the -nocleanup option and the -mask option turned on. This way, certain files that are useful for subsequent processing are retained. These include the brain mask generated after eddy current correction and the noisemap generated during denoising. For users intending to run TMI to estimate parametric maps after running Designer, these images are useful inputs.