
Table of contents

  1. Running DESIGNER v2 using Docker (most convenient)
  2. Installing DESIGNER v2 (if you know what you are doing ;))
    1. PIP install
    2. Requirements and Dependencies

Running DESIGNER v2 using Docker (most convenient)

We provide convenient docker images to quickly get started with Designer without the need to install and its dependencies. The latest version will be published on Docker Hub. Official versions will be tagged (nyudiffusionmri/designer2:<tag>; latest tag is v2.0.9), while we also maintain images following our main development branch (nyudiffusionmri/designer2:main). See Docker Hub for an overview of all releases.

To get started, install Docker Desktop on your machine. If you are using an Apple Silicon device, navigate to the Docker app’s general settings and enable the “Use Rosetta for x86/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon” option for compatibility. We recommend setting the memory limit to at least 15GB for optimal performance.

Verifying can be done by running docker run nyudiffusionmri/designer2:<tag> designer

You can then start an interactive terminal in your container by running docker run -it nyudiffusionmri/designer2:<tag> /bin/bash

Files can be passed by mounting a local folder into the container: docker run -it -v <path to local folder>:/data nyudiffusionmri/designer2:<tag> /bin/bash. In this case you can run commands in the container directly.

You can also run designer directly on the command line. Any files can be referenced by their absolute path in the container (e.g. /data/<your file>). docker run -it -v <path to local data folder>:/data nyudiffusionmri/designer2:<tag> designer ...

Note that you can replace nyudiffusionmri/designer2:<tag> by any other tag.

For users who are working on HCP servers and cannot use Docker, DESIGNER may also be used with Singularity. The following can be run to singularity-ize our Docker image: singularity pull docker://nyudiffusionmri/designer2:<tag>

We can then run DESIGNER by running: singularity run designer2_<tag>.sif designer...

Installing DESIGNER v2 (if you know what you are doing ;))

If running DESIGNER v2 using Docker is not your preferred method, you can try to install DESIGNER v2 as a Python package. This method requires installation of fsl and mrtrix3 on your local machine.

PIP install

The new version of designer consists of a number of updates and improvements to the original implementation. Designer version 2 is written in python and c++ and is an external Mrtrix3 project.

Designer can be installed in one line using pip:

pip install designer2

To upgrade designer to the newest version after it has already been installed, just use the command:

pip install --upgrade designer2

Requirements and Dependencies

Currently, installing designer locally requires a source installation of mrtrix3. A future update of the mrtrix3 precompiled binaries may eliminate these requirements, however as of today, users must follow the steps here to configure and build the source mrtrix3 package.

Installing the dev branch is needed, as there are additional features in dwifslpreproc that have no yet made it to the main codebase. The source mrtrix3 installation can be completed by running the following lines after ensuring that mrtrix3 dependencies are installed properly.

git clone
cd mrtrix3/
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/installation/
cmake --build build
cmake --install build

After mrtrix3 has been successfully installed, users should create the PYTHONPATH environment variable and link it against the mrtrix3 python libraries:

export PYTHONPATH=</path/to/mrtrix3/lib>

For example, if a user clones the mrtrix3 github repository to the directory /usr/local/mrtrix3, they would run the command export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/mrtrix3/lib. We recommend that users add this line to their .bashrc or .bash_profile so that designer is permanently configured properly in the users shell environment.

Designer also relies on FSL tools for EPI distortion correction and eddy current and motion correction. Users can install FSL here and follow the steps outlined in the FSL documentation.

In addition to Mrtrix3 and FSL, designer should automatically install a number of additional python dependencies including:

  • numpy (>=1.21.0,<2.0.0)
  • scipy (>=1.9.0)
  • numpy_groupies (>=0.9.0)
  • antspyx (>=0.3)
  • dipy (>=1.4)
  • tqdm (>=4.62.3)
  • joblib (>=1.2)
  • cvxpy (>=1.2)
  • pandas (>=1.5)

We recommend that users keep python and pip as up-to-date as possible to ensure that Designer runs smoothly. Designer was originally written in Python 3.9 and is known to be compatible with versions as low as Python 3.7 and up to 3.12. We also recommend that users run Designer within a python environment such as conda, pyenv, or whichever you prefer. The choice of environment is up to the user, however environments are useful to manage potential dependency conflict.

There is a known issue in conda environments on windows and Ubuntu that can prevent the installation of designer. The fix is to install numpy-base before running the pip install designer2 command. Additionally, there is a known conflict with numpy 2.0.0 and cvxpy. If you have numpy 2.0.0 installed, try uninstalling it and installing numpy 1.21.0 before running the pip install designer2 command.